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Mollie Scheiber
Grade 3 Teacher
320-398-7700 x2605
Teresa Schiefelbein
Elementary Paraprofessional
Brock Schindele
High School Custodian
Carolyn Schlawin
Title Paraprofessional
320-398-7700 x2603
Jordan Schleper
High School Special Education Teacher
320-398-7700 x1107
Dawn Schmidt
ECSE Paraprofessional
Jennifer Scott
High School Special Education Teacher
320-398-7700 x1158
Amy Serbus
Elementary Media Assistant
320-398-7700 x2538
Carly Serbus
High School Administrative Assistant
320-398-7700 x1301
Megan Serbus
School Age Child Care Coordinator
(O) 320-398-7700 x2555 or (C) 320-557-5893
Amy Sexton
Business and Social Teacher
320-398-7700 x1110
Lauren Sexton
Elementary Paraprofessional
Kate Simon
ECFE Coordinator
320-398-7700 x2802
Destiny Smith
High School Paraprofessional
Celest Stang
Community Education Director
320-398-7700 x1112
Deonne Stangle
High School Special Education Teacher
320-398-7700 x1161
Joseph Stangle
Social Studies Teacher
320-398-7700 x1168
Tracy Steinhoff
Speech Pathologist
Barry Strand
High School Physical Education Teacher
320-398-7700 x1160
Tracy Theis
Payroll/ Accounting
320-398-7700 x1334